Young people grow up in a world that is even challenging for most grown ups. Debt, discrimination, no social network, self-esteem issues, wrong discissions, etc. All people and especially young people need extra help and support some time. The problem is that most young people get too less support to make their own choices and make steps forward.
Attitude, authenticity and brand value are essential when it comes to winning the hearts of young people. We paid lots of attention to the customer journey and the overall brand world. Most young people don't like the manucipality so it was a challenge to redesign one of the manucipality's brands into a brand that young people love. To create a social brand with the appeal of a commercial brand. That was the challenge.
Young Originals offers personal guidance and a professional network. YO helps young people finding their way in the world and towards a future they dream of. By helping young people with stability, self-awareness and choosing their next steps they are more confedent and resilient towards the future.
120 young people have signed up for coaching
The city of Amsterdam has adopted the concept
5 more organisations joined the coalition